Wednesday 10 September 2008

It's just like a Planner's DREAM!

In search for the anti-matter and the elusive Higgs Boson...

The scientist in me is secretly (or not so) excited about today. Already as I write this, 100m underground on the Franco-Swiss border, some of the best Physicists in the World are pacing the corridors, waiting for one of the most long awaited experiments to begin....controlled particle collisions to emulate the immediate moments after the 'Big Bang'.

The aim is to discover whether concepts such as dark (or anti)-matter, extra dimensions and even the elusive Higgs boson (God's particle) actually exist.

The Planner in me also loves today as it demonstrates (in a much larger scale) the approach and role planning takes within the agency; taking ideas, historical theory, known fact and putting them into new situations to postulate, plan, test and observe the outcome. The digital landscape is of course, a series of 1s or 0s and therefore a great space to observe behaviours (be it consumers or Brands) and for planning, this gives us this amazing goldfish bowl to sit and watch what really happens.

I love the fact that even the biggest brains in the Science World are showing signs of not knowing the outcome. Professor Stephen Hawking is known to have placed a bet of only £50 that God's Particle would elude even today's massive experiment. Asked why he placed this, he responded by saying "It will be more exciting if we don't find the Higgs (Boson). That will show we need to think again!"

Another classic quote comes from Professor Brian Cox (another CERN boffin)...."Anyone who thinks that the LHC will destroy the World is a t**t." Now that's saying it like it is eh?!

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