Wednesday, 9 September 2009

'Let's get excited about ... 3D'

Jaws 3D glasses

I’ve tried. I first tried back in the early ‘80s when we all got free glasses in the Radio Times to watch a ‘Tomorrow’s Word’ special (ask your parents, they’ll remember it). And I most recently tried a couple of weeks back at a quick preview of James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’, but all I got was headache (and a sinking feeling that the final film’s going to be like a bad extended episode of ‘Thundercats’).

87% of me really, really, really wants to immerse myself in the tantalising thrill of 3D web sites, tellys and video games. But I’ve yet to fall in love with the experience. The closest I’ve come is Pixar’s latest gem, ‘Up’ – but even there, the most heartbreaking moment (which is up there with the most heartbreaking moment in any film ever – go see) really doesn’t require any 3D wizardry, just good old-fashioned storytelling.

So, tell me, what’s your greatest 3D experience? – I’m ready to have my flabber gasted.

Please note: These are purely the ramblings of one lone employee and do not in any way represent the views of the many other fine folk at Collective should James Cameron be reading this – we really liked his early stuff.

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