Monday, 14 September 2009

Brokeback? Nah ... just swollen knees

Three Peaks Challenge

Big congrats to all the Collective crew who took on the Three Peaks Challenge this past weekend (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hrs) – sounds like it was one of those adventures they’ll be telling the grandkids about.

Of nine starters, three injuries prevented a full house of completions, but everyone can feel rightly proud of their dedication, commitment and huge achievement. What a top bunch.

And massive thanks to Louise and Nicola too – they drove like demons across the UK for over 20 hours to help our climbers achieve their challenge.

Scariest moment? Losing the path on the ascent of Scafell Pike IN THE DARK. What do you mean you're not supposed to follow the people in front of you? Oh, they're lost.

Weirdest moment? Finding a piece of Honda road building equipment half way up Ben Nevis.

Finally ... another huge thanks (and punch to the ribs) to Sarah for coming up with this very silly idea in the first place. So what’s the next challenge?

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