Oh, Barry. You should have known what to expect when you send round an email like this:
They say that you should never judge a book by its cover, but if we didn’t do it there would not be a proverb to warn us against such rash judgement.
With this in mind what does my ‘cover’ say about me?? Have a look at the attached image and see what comes to your mind.
I would say the following:-
Couldn’t be more uncreative if it tried
With this in mind I would like to throw the creative gauntlet down in the creative pit and shout ‘pimp my face’!
With that in mind, here are some 'creative concepts' for the new Barry...
Barry resplendent as a Victorian Gent. It's 'soooo now'.

Heeeeeere's Barry

What can I say, we all have Batman fever.

Dame Barry - love the pink rinse.

A bit of a nip and tuck...

The poor man is now on the verge of an identity crisis and is talking of going to Nepal to find his true self. Help him out by voting on which look is best.
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