Monday, 21 July 2008

Brand Wars: The battle for the Best Brand

Today, it was announced that Microsoft has finally been ousted from the top spot for the UK's top consumer brand by Google.

In the survey, run by the Centre for Brand Analysis, across an audience of 2,200 consumers, the search engine moves up two places, knocking Microsoft from the top spot and Mercedes into 3rd place, adding to the momentum already gained by Google, in an earlier research piece where they were named 'Strongest Brand' in the Superbrands survey (2008).

The BBC was the highest ranked UK brand (4th), BA (5th), Royal Doulton (6th).

One of the interesting trends from this latest research was that none of the UK's supermarkets made it into the top 100. Tesco dropped from 230th to 301st, Sainbury's fell to 232nd and Asda dropped 253 places.

Disparity also reigned amongst the more premium food brands with M&S in at 17th place and Waitrose down at 179th!

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